Float Plane on lake

Hello all

Well time flies! It’s hard to believe it’s August already.

For those of us here in Alaska we haven’t seen much summer this year, but it seems to be here now. Great days and long evenings make for a great time to take advantage of what Alaska has to offer.

If you haven’t seen the bears at Katmai National Park, the Proenneke Cabin in Lake Clark National Park, or any of the amazing public-use cabins in South Central Alaska, then its time you made the trip.

The dinner and brunch tours are also a great way to make an event unforgettable.

I continue to have some availability on each of the trips I offer so don’t hesitate to call. I’m happy to customize a two or three day bear viewing trip out at Katmai, or help you plan the ultimate Alaska adventure…

See you in the skies!

Gear List for Park Hoppers

Gear List for Park Hoppers

When I first got to Alaska I was told, “...Only fools and newcomers predict the weather in Alaska!” Pretty sage advice. While Alaska is one of the most beautiful places on the planet, it’s weather...

Hello all

Hello all

Well time flies! It’s hard to believe it’s August already. For those of us here in Alaska we haven’t seen much summer this year, but it seems to be here now. Great days and long evenings make for a...

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What is ADS-B and Why Should You Care?

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It’s Good To Be Seen!!!

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